Student Development Work Study
I was a work-study in the Student Development Office during my first two semesters at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington were I was recruited to design posters for the various events and clubs around campus.

Build Anything Logo
The Build Anything logo was used by the marketing department at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington to promote the construction of an additional wing of the campus.

Ivy Tech Basketball T-Shirt
The Ivy Tech Basketball logo was use on the team jerseys for the Ivy Community College Basketball League.

SVO Star Logo
The SVO Star Logo was used to represent the Student Veterans Organization at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington.
Event Posters

Bowl For kids Sake Poster
The Bowl for Kids' Sake poster advertised a bowling night that IvyTech Bloomington had in conjunction with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bloomington, IN.

2nd Annual Golf Outing Poster
The 2nd Annual Golf Outing poster was created to advertise an outing held every year by Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington.

International Student Club Poster
To create the International Student Club poster I worked with the club spokeswoman to advertise their first meeting.

Paintball Poster
The Paintball poster was created to advertise Ivy Tech Community College's paintball trip.

Zombie Leadership Retreat Poster
The Zombie Leadership Retreat poster was created to advertise a leadership class lead by the Student Development Department at Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington.

Follow Us On Pintrest Poster
The Follow Us On Pintrest poster was created to raise student awareness of the Ivy Tech Community College Pintrest Page.

Spring Extreme Poster
The Spring Extreme poster was created to advertise the Spring Extreme Event lead by the Ivy Tech Community College Bloomington Student Development Office.

A Toast To A New Semester Poster
The A Toast To A New Semester poster was create to raise awareness the Student Development Office would be providing breakfast and planners to students on the fist two days of the semester.

Beach Bash Poster
The Beach Bash poster advertised the Beach Bash Cookout were the Ivy Tech Community College Student Development Office was providing lunch to for students on the first day of the semester.

Rec & Wellness Tailgate Poster
The Rec & Wellness Tailgate poster was created to advertise an event demoing the fitness classes taking place the following semester, and giving free lunch to students.

Community Resource Fair Poster
The Community Resource Fair poster was created to advertise an event were vendors and companies from all over the state and local community would come and provide students with information about how they are able to assist individuals in the community and within the student population.

International Student Club Reception Poster
To create the International Student Club Reception poster I worked with the club spokeswoman to advertise the clubs meeting.