Introduction to Portrait Photography (RCC)
Photographs and assignments during the Introduction to Portrait Photography class at Randolph Community College (RCC).
Below are a few assignments from Introduction to Portrait Photography at Randolph Community College (RCC) circa 2010.
Copy-Cat Assignment
For this assignment we were supposed to recreate a photograph that we liked in the studio. Though the original is lost to time, I assure you that it is very similar to the black & white version below. The model is my colleague Anna Eyler.

Armed Forces Appreciation
This is a photograph of my brother Sgt. Jason Icenhour U.S. Army. Commemorating his service in Afghanistan.

This is an outtake for one of my assignments but I find this photo fascinating. The model is my good friend Anna (Kody) Johnson.

Side Lighting
The below photograph is of a great friend and college Corie Albert, a fantastic photographer in her own right.